On this day in 1945, Sarajevo was liberated of fascist occupation by joint efforts and sacrifices of the people of BiH and all others.
This day, clearly linked to city's anti-fascist heritage, is marked as the Day of City of Sarajevo.
Yugoslav Army began the operation of liberation of Sarajevo on March 28th, 1945, when the 2nd, 3rd and 5th corps of the the Yugoslav Army, 11th and 13th Krajina Brigade, 18th Central Bosnian Brigade, artillery and tank units participated in the operation.
Peace lasted for 47 years and then Sarajevo started another battle. The siege of Sarajevo started on the day of City of Sarajevo, on April 6th 1992. During the siege 11,541 civilians, of which 1,601 children were killed, died of starvation or cold or gone missing.
A day earlier, April 5th, when thousands of citizens gathered in front of the Republic of BiH Assembly building in peaceful protests with banners “We want peace”, the first victims of war were recorded.
The material damage the city had suffered during the siege, primarily through the destruction of the housing stock and its cultural heritage, business facilities and roads, is invaluable.