MP Arnaut: FBiH will not turn into Bosniak entity


State MP Damir Arnaut told N1 that the agreement on the Election Law changes, reached by four Sarajevo-based political parties, will not turn the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) into a Bosniak entity.

He believes that the agreement of the four parties with seats in Sarajevo means a significant step ahead, and it serves as a basis for further negotiations on changes to electoral legislation.  

Leader of the Croat Democratic Union of BiH (HDZ BiH), Dragan Covic, earlier stated that the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) would provide its answer to the agreement of the four political parties. He also said that this agreement of Sarajevo-based parties would turn the FBiH into a Bosniak entity.  

In Arnaut's opinion, this was a bit emotional reaction.  

“The Alliance for Better Future (SBB) never emotionally reacted to any proposal, HDZ BiH and the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) did. Mostar is the best example that agreement could be reached. Owing to creative proposals of SBB, we are one step away from agreement in Mostar,” Arnaut stressed, adding that turning the FBiH into a Bosniak entity would be the worst for Bosniaks.  

According to him, it was not absurd that the agreement of the four parties was based on the 1991 population census, regardless of the fact that a new census was carried out in 2013.  

“The 1991 population census is related to the Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Accords, which entails the return of population. The Annex VII is equally important as the Annex IV – the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As long as the Annex VII is not implemented, it is something it must be insisted on. That is a legal fact,” he emphasized.  

As for the issue of elections in Mostar, Arnaut explained that the only remaining dispute was the matter of central zone.  

He did not find it surprising that the international community insisted on agreement on the way of electing of delegates in the House of Peoples, adding that it was necessary to implement the decision of BiH Constitutional Court, which entails proportionality in representation.  

“I have been warning that imposing of solutions is not good because that means escaping the responsibility. You cannot sit in a parliament for 20 years and ask the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to impose a solution. That is an irresponsible approach,” he underlined.