According to the latest research results, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) entity labour market is in need of sewers, carpenters, locksmiths, sellers, waiters, masons, shoemakers, welders, carpenters and upholsterers.
The FBiH Employment Office conducted a research among employers in FBiH who said that the most sought after professions in FBiH are sewers, carpenters, locksmiths, sellers, waiters, masons, shoemakers, welders, carpenters, upholsterers. The research shows the labour market needs of FBiH in 2018.
Based on their personal needs, the employers said they need more than 5,900 new employees in 2018. The most sought after employees are those with secondary education degree (43.14 percent) and vocational degree workforce (33.15 percent).
In line with their plans for introduction of new technologies and organizations of work, the employers expressed the need for additional training for their employees. They primarily intend to train workers with professional and technical knowledge (48.4 percent), followed by additional skills (33.65 percent), and social and business skills (14.42 percent).