This is not the time to celebrate Labour Day but rather to launch a revolution, the President of Tuzla’s workers’ Solidarity Union, Sakib Kopic, told N1 in regard to May 1 International Workers’ Day.
Labor Day has its origins in the labor union movement which advocated better working conditions, eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. In Bosnia, May 1 is an official holiday.
The Tuzla Solidarity Union is organizing their traditional May 1 morning gathering, this time calling for a “revolution” to improve workers’ rights.
“We want to send a message that it is no time for celebration, we can see what is happening in the country,” said Kopic.
“It is due time for a rebellion, a revolution,” he said.
People are “running” from the country because of the economic situation, but they are afraid to rise up, he said.
“I don’t know of what they are afraid of still, there is nothing left to lose anymore,” he added.
“Today workers are slaves because they have been betrayed by the union,” he said, criticizing the Independent Union’s leadership, saying they “privatized” the Union.