Bosnian authorities have continued carrying out structural reforms and economic policies in line with the country's arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said Chairman of Bosnia's Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic on Tuesday, following the meeting with the IMF's Nadeem Ilahi.
The IMF's Executive Board approved a loan arrangement for Bosnia in September 2016 under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) in the amount of some EUR 550 million. Since that date, the country has been undergoing frequent reviews, which analyse if authorities are conducting recommended reforms in specific sectors.
According to the CoM's statement, Zvizdic told Ilahi the country has continued achieving progress in the reduction of internal and foreign balance, and that the structural reforms the authorities are conducting include fiscal discipline, financial stability and improvement of business environment.
Bosnian authorities are set to hold meetings with the IMF's delegation by end of this month to define further measures and activities related to the Letter of Intent within the arrangement with the IMF.
Ilahi emphasized the necessity of resuming the work on structural shortcomings, adding that the IMF is prepared to provide technical assistance.