Bosnia’s Council of Ministers Chairman Denis Zvizdic attended, Wednesday, the marking of the Srebrenica anniversary in London, organised by the “Remembering Srebrenica” Foundation where he addressed the present.
He thanked for the opportunity to speak at the event and for the organisation of this event, saying that Srebrenica is the defeat of humanity and the civilisation, as well as an obvious hypocrisy of the powerful who could have but chose not to stop the killing of innocent victims. For that reason, Srebrenica remains the symbol of Bosniak suffering, “a symbol that will always remind us of the crime and the genocide.”
“Still, we believe that tolerance is the biggest form of power, and that forgiveness is possible, but only when those who killed more than 8,000 innocent victims admit the truth, because only the truth, recognition of the crime and acceptance of responsibility can open the way to true cooperation and understanding,” Zvizdic said.
He added that the world had said “Never again” many times before but that this “Never again” happened again and again in Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Auschwitz… “Never again” was said once more, and again, it happened in Srebrenica. Therefore, Bosniaks will not allow genocide happen ever again in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Zvizdic said Bosnia appreciates the British support and aid in building the Potocari Memorial Centre and the work of the International Commission for Missing Persons. The UK also actively supports the returnees to Srebrenica by taking part in the reconstruction of infrastructure and by establishing a domestic charity organisation “Remembering Srebrenica.”
In the end, he recalled that Bosnia is fully committed to building a democratic and free society, in the spirit of tolerance and common understanding and respect for human rights.