The number of tourists who visited Bosnia's Federation (FBiH) entity in August has increased by 10.3 percent compared to July this year, and 16.2 percent compared to August 2017, according to official statistics.
The number of tourists’ overnight stays in August 2018 increased by 16.7 compared to the same month last year and 14 percent compared to July this year. Participation of foreign tourists in the overall number of the overnight stays was 87.2 percent.
According to the FBiH Statistics Institute, the tourists were mostly staying in hotels or similar kind of accommodation, 90.8 percent of them.
The tourists from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) made the largest portion of the overall number of overnight stays in this part of Bosnia, 11.5 percent. They were followed by tourists from Saudi Arabia, 9.3 percent, Italy, 7.3 percent, Poland, 6.1 percent, and Turkey, 4.9 percent, showed the figures of the Statistics Institute.