Macedonia has a historic opportunity to move forward on its path to the European Union following the referendum on the agreement between Skoplje and Athens and it is now up to parliament to take the next steps, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn said in Monday’s joint statement.
“This is a historic opportunity not only for reconciliation in the region but also for decisively moving the country forward on its European Union (EU) path. It is for all political and institutional actors now to act within their constitutional responsibilities beyond party political lines. The EU will continue to fully support and accompany the country, its institutions and all its citizens,” the statement said.
It added that Macedonians overwhelmingly voted to accept the Prespa agreement reached by Prime Ministers Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras to resolve the dispute over the name of the former Yugoslav republic and win Greek support for membership in the EU and NATO.
“On 30th September, citizens of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia had the opportunity to vote for the future of their country. In a peaceful and democratic vote an overwhelming majority of those who exercised their right to vote said yes to the Prespa agreement on the name issue and their European path,” the statement said.
Parliament will now be called upon to proceed with the next steps for the implementation of the name agreement by deciding on the adoption of the constitutional changes, Mogherini and Hahn said in their joint statement.