N1's Dragicevic presents her book at Belgrade book fair

Tomislav Miletic/PIXSELL

N1’s foreign desk editor Ivana Dragicevic presented her ‘The Unequal’ book at the International Book Fair in Belgrade on Saturday

“This book is a necklace of stories and each of these stories points out what happened or it foresees and warns about what’s going to happen,” former news editor for Reuters and SkyNews, Jaksa Scekic, said at the book launch in Belgrade.

Commenting on the book title, Scekic said the inequalities were exactly a driving force of everything across the world, “from rebellions and crises to conflicts and revolutions.”

Asked where the inequalities might take today’s world, the book author replied if she had known the answer she would have probably been living in peace on an island, far away from everything.

“The world actually either doesn’t know or doesn’t understand what are its contemporary processes and what risks we are facing at this moment,” said Dragicevic.

Dragicevic is a former correspondent for the Croatian public broadcaster HRT from Belgrade and today she is the foreign desk editor at N1 Zagreb. Croatia’s Ambassador to Serbia, Gordan Bakota, attended the event.