The State Prosecutor's Office said they never received a single report or information regarding alleged crimes in the 'Diploma' case, uncovered by the local 'Zurnal' magazine's investigative team which allegedly bought a state-verified four-year high school diploma in just 17 days.
“The Prosecution never received a single piece of information regarding the case or one Senad F. from Fojnica, who has been associated with the case. Therefore, the Prosecution could not act accordingly,” the State Prosecution said.
They say that the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) informed them about a person from Bihac which can be associated with this case, but not the aforementioned Senad F. Therefore, the person filmed by the ‘Zurnal’ team as he sells the said diploma to their journalist was never reported to the prosecution.
Zurnal magazine published a story, last week, where their journalist Azra Omerovic allegedly bought a state-verified four-year medical school diploma in only 17 days for 2,500 marks (some € 1,200). According to her, the diploma said her average grade during her studies, which usually last for four years, was ‘B.’
Una-Sana Cantonal authorities also launched an investigation into the case and the cantonal Education Minister announced, should the allegations be proven, they will shut down the school that sold the diploma.