Despite full visual impairment, a girl from the southern town of Capljina managed to fulfil her dreams. Martina Stanic is a recent journalism graduate who got a job. Her love for life overcomes all barriers.
“Even if there was something bad, I went through. It all paid off and everything has settled down. I am so happy and I am encouraged even more to go further to work harder,” she said.
Martina moved into the Mostar Student Centre four years ago. She was spending time in her room mostly studying, as she was determined to fulfil her goal – to complete the journalism studies. Despite her 100 percent visual impairment, Martina managed, as she said, without difficulties.
The young graduate has enrolled in the master studies. She is taking part in exams with the assistance of a special PC voice programme, while she reads with help of a digital magnifier.
“It's not really useful for longer texts but I mostly use my own voice programme on my laptop, while this is helpful for shorter texts,” explained Martina.

The girl was born blind but she kept following her dreams. After graduation, she got employed as a spokesperson in the Mostar Student Choir.
“My growing up was the hardest. Being blind, I was getting used to the fact I'm unable to do some things independently and that I am fully dependant on others… I felt bad somehow and I kept asking ‘God, why me’ but God heard me and prepared for something better,” she said.
Martina has many interests and describes herself as a curious person. She enjoys reading books, singing and spending time with friends.
Her colleagues say Martina never wanted to be left out.
“She did everything on her own, she never allowed having her meals brought in the room, she wanted to be like other students and she absolutely justified every trust,” according to Anita Glibic, the spokesperson for the Mostar Student Centre.
Martina is moving around using a cane and her disability is not stopping her to be active. She takes her blindness as a blessing and believes there will be no obstacles in achieving her future goals.