Serbian opposition leaders lay wreath in front of TV Pink


Serbian opposition leaders laid a wreath with a photograph of the assassinated Kosovo Serb leader Oliver Ivanovic in front of the pro-government TV Pink building before the start of the Saturday protests.

The leaders of the Alliance for Serbia also left a message saying: We will find out who took aim at you with the video spot on Pink. We promise.

Organizers of the 1 in 5 Million civic protest announced a march to TV Pink to protest what they said was that station’s biased reporting. N1 was told unofficially that the protest march would not go to the TV Pink building. The Alliance leaders made no statements for the media when they laid the wreath.

Serbian Left leader Borko Stefanovic said just before the start of the Saturday protest that the wreath was laid in front of TV Pink because Oliver Ivanovic was a victim of the station’s propaganda. “The Alliance leaders laid the wreath and photograph to honor the executed Oliver Ivanovic and all the victims of Pink’s propaganda. There were some bald men, hooligans and a lot of police in from the Pink building,” he said.

TV Pink owner Zeljko Mitrovic said earlier that he was preparing what he called a welcome committee for the protesters and placed loudspeakers in front of the building entrance along with banners saying Stop Violence, Love Only; No More Goca Uzelac (a reference to an alleged assault on a TV Pink journalist).