Federica Mogherini, the European Union's (EU) top official in charge of the foreign affairs and security policy, will attend the Berlin meeting of the Western Balkan leaders with the leaders of Germany and France, a European Commission's spokesperson confirmed for N1.
The meeting that was announced earlier would discuss the stability in the Western Balkans and the challenges the region is facing.
“High Representative and European Commission's Vice President Mogherini will attend the meeting in Berlin which is organised by (German) Chancellor (Angela) Merkel and (French) President (Emmanuel) Macron on April 29, 2019 along with senior officials of the Western Balkans in order to strengthen stability and prosperity across the continent,” spokesperson Maja Kocijancic told N1.
“The meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the challenges and to strengthen the efforts towards reconciliation, good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation,” said Kocijancic.
The meeting is organised as a preparation for the next summit in the framework of the Berlin process, which Germany and France had launched in 2014 with the support of the UK and other European countries to boost regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and the region's European integration.
London hosted the last year's summit which discussed infrastructural and reform processes, while this year's meeting will take place in June, in the Polish city of Poznan.