Tuesday marks the 26th anniversary of war crimes against Bosnian Croats in Trusina, a village near Konjic in central Bosnia when members of the Army of the Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina killed 18 civilians and four members of the Croat Defence Council.
The crime took place in early morning hours when members of the special unit called Zulfikar entered the village. The oldest victim was 75, and the youngest was 21.
Edin Dzeko and Rasema Handanovic have been sentenced to 13 and five-and-a-half years for this crime. Nihad Bojandzic was sentenced to a 15-year sentence, Nedzad Hodzic got 12 years, while Mensur Memic got nine.
The trial against Zulfikar Alispago was separated from the rest of the case due to his illness.
Dzevad Salcin and Senad Hakalovic were found not guilty for the crime.