The upcoming European elections will hopefully show that extreme right-wing and left-wing enjoy no support they are hoping for and that the citizens will vote "a moderate and humane Europe," said Jasenko Selimovic, Sweden's European Parliament member originating from Bosnia.
Speaking for N1's Novi dan programme, Selimovic said it was realistic to expect the issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be solved in the next European Commission's mandate.
“We have some preliminary dates for the EU enlargement, they're still preliminary but they are here. It seems like it will all more or less be solved in the upcoming mandate. Three days after the election, Commissioner (in charge of enlargement and neighbourhood) Hahn will present his enlargement plan for the EU,” said Selimovic.
Selimovic represents the Liberal People's Party and hopes that the citizens will vote “a moderate and humane Europe” in the elections taking place this week.
“I hope the elections will show that extreme right-wing and left-wing have no support they hope to get. As for the liberals, I feel as if all indicators say these elections will be good for us. There is an extreme line between the extreme right-wing and left wing, and the parties that support Europe. We are a pro-European party, we always thought the EU is one of the most important institutions in the world,” said Selimovic.
According to him, the Parliament is likely to be composed again mostly by the largest group – the European People's Party.
“It remains to be seen how it is going to be with socialists and liberals. Everyone says that European extreme right-wing and European extreme left-wing win many votes, maybe they will but that won't change Europe's policy because they will never get a majority in the Parliament,” according to MEP Selimovic.
But, he hopes that the recent video that compromised the leader of Austria's right-wing Freedom Party Heinz-Christian Strache will lead to changes when it comes to the extreme right-wing and make their voters change their mind.