Media: Local priest in Bosnia arrested under suspicion of illicit weapon trade

NEWS 04.07.201909:31

Police arrested a priest in the eastern town of Visegrad under suspicion of illegally producing and trading with mine-explosive devices and weapon, Srna news agency reported on Thursday.

The person with initials B.G. is suspected of a criminal act of illicit manufacturing of and trade with arms or explosive devices, Mirna Miljanovic, spokesperson for Interior Ministry in Republika Srpska, Bosnia's semi-autonomous region, confirmed for media.

Police discovered the illegalities within an operation codenamed ‘Lotika’ and raided three locations, one in Visegrad and two in the nearby town of Rogatica.

“About two kilos of various explosives were found and seized on that occasion as well as several pieces of detonating devices, one anti-personnel mine, several pieces of ammunition of different calibre and a few SIM cards and mobile phones,” said Miljanovic.

Srna unofficially learns that the apprehended person is Bojan Glisic, a priest from Visegrad.