Bosnia and Kosovo will begin building a bridge between each other which did not exist before and will find ways to solve the problems regarding travel between the two countries, Kosovo Prime Minister candidate from the Vetevendosje (Self-determination) party, Albin Kurti, told N1 on Wednesday.
It is difficult for Kosovars and Bosnians to travel to each other’s countries, as Bosnia never granted Kosovo recognition as an independent state. This is mostly because Bosnian Serbs oppose it.
“All who are engaged in politics find ways to solve their problems, while citizens are what these politicians should be concerned about, they suffer the most,” Kurti said. “We will immediately begin talks with Sarajevo to solve this problem which affects our citizens, and not out politicians.”
Kurti said that he “cannot treat Bosnia the same as Serbia, although Bosnia also does not recognise Kosovo.”
“Pristina and Sarajevo will build a new bridge which did not exist until now, as we think that both Bosniaks in Kosovo and Albanians in Bosnia are part of the same region,” he said.