Sarajevo Canton authorities declared the alert phase Friday afternoon as the air pollution in the city reached a critical point.
The air pollution measurement system's stations across the city have recorded dramatic increase of the PM10 particles throughout the day, which prompted the authorities to act in line with the Plan of Intervention Measures in the Situation of Exceeded Air Pollution in the Sarajevo Canton and declare the alert phase.
According to the plan, all vehicles that use diesel engine of EURO 1 emission standard or lower are not allowed in the central municipalities of Stari Grad, Centar, Novi Grad, Novo Sarajevo and Ilidza. Furthermore, inspection administrations are tasked to intensify the cleaning of roads and side-walks, to increase controls at the construction sites, to advice legal entities and citizens who use crude oils for the heating purposes to temporarily sift to gas or electric power if possible, and a number of other measures.
The citizens are called to reduce the use of their personal vehicles as much as possible.