The world's scientific community knew there was a possibility of a virus similar to SARS coming, Head of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) Marie-Paule Kieny, told N1 in an exclusive interview.
Covid-19 is a part of the coronavirus family, which was identified as a potential risk for humans, with the novel coronavirus being more infectious than its predecessors such as SARS or MERS viruses, said Kieny, one of the most prominent virologists and public health experts in France and Europe, former World Health Organisation's Assistant Director-General for Health Systems and Innovation.
Speaking from her home in Geneva, where she is self-isolated during the coronavirus pandemic, the expert said that countries took different approaches to deal with the pandemic but that it was necessary to follow the rules and learn lessons.
In the video below, Kieny spoke about when could the world possibly see the coronavirus vaccine, how does she comment on stances of other scientists on this matter and how many people will be vaccinated once it becomes available.