Slovenian MEP Tanja Fajon said on Monday that she told Serbian Internal Affairs Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic that international and local observers should be present for the June 21 elections and called for a lowering of tension.
Fajon, who chairs the Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee of the European Parliament, wrote on her Twitter profile that the vote should not jeopardize the health of the population with the vote organized before the end of the coronavirus pandemic and that all political players should get equal coverage in the media.
Z notranjim ministrom Stefanovićem o volitvah v Srbiji 21.6. Ključno bo, da zdravje ljudi ne bo ogroženo, da bodo mediji zagotovili prostor vsem političnim akterjem, da bodo prisotni mednarodni & domači opazovalci. In da strani umirijo napetosti in polarizacijo družbe in medijev.
— Tanja Fajon (@tfajon) May 25, 2020
“The important thing is not to endanger the health of the population, have the media give space to all political players, for both international and local observers to be present and for parties to lower tension and reduce the polarization society and the media,” she Tweeted.