Joshua Wong: We want to prevent Hong Kong from becoming the next Tiananmen


Activists fighting against the new national security law in Hong Kong will not stop, even though they could end up arrested by the secret police and taken to trial in China, student activist and secretary-general of the pro-democracy party Demosisto, Joshua Wong, told N1 on Thursday.

China’s National People's Congress (NPC) has on Thursday approved a proposal imposing a national security law in the semi-autonomous territory of Hong Kong which critics argue threatens basic civil liberties and political freedoms.

According to Wong, the implementation of the law represents a “totalitarian crackdown” in Hong Kong by Beijing.

“In 2019, two out of seven million citizens took to the streets and urged the government to withdraw one of the controversial extradition bills, and now Beijing is trying to impose this national security law which is far more evil – and it even bypassed the Hong Kong legislature,” he said.

“We are calling on world leaders to oppose the implementation of such evil regulation,” he said, adding that he wants to prevent ‘another Tiananmen massacre 31 years later.”

What the new law means for Hong Kong what the future of semi-autonomous territory entails according to Wong can be seen in the full interview above.