A tweet by Slovenia’s Prime Minister, Janez Jansa, who wrote that the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide was the result of the international community failing to condemn “the communist crimes” in former Yugoslavia, was met with widespread criticism.
“Srebrenica in 1995 would not have happened if the UN had condemned the communist genocide in the same way as the Holocaust. As this did not happen, despite a large number of people killed, the doctrine of the JNA (Yugoslav National Army) that the enemy must be destroyed physically was revived during the breakup of Yugoslavia,” Jansa tweeted.
Critics interpreted the comment as an attempt to try and give amnesty to those who committed the Srebrenica Genocide.
According to the Slovenian news portal ‘Delo’, former Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Sarec condemned Jansa’s statement saying that, on the day of the anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide, everyone should turn to a narrative on how such tragedies could be prevented int he future and Jansa did the opposite.
Member of the European Parliament, Tanja Fajon, simply called Jansa’s statement “shameless,” while her colleague, Milan Brglez, called the tweet damaging to the victims and the families of those killed in Srebrenica and said it represents a “shame of foreign policy.”
Srebrenice 1995 ne bi bilo, če bi #OZN komunistične genocide obsodil enako kot holokavst. Ker se to kljub večjemu št. pomorjenih ni zgodilo, je doktrina JLA, da je treba nasprotnika fizično uničiti, ponovno zaživela ob razpadu Jugoslavije. #Srebrenica25 https://t.co/cZe7D585nS
— Janez Janša (@JJansaSDS) July 11, 2020