As a part of the second phase of their close cooperation within the regional project to end violence against women, the European Union and UN Women are continuing to collaborate with civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina that are working with women survivors of violence, providing support to their activities which include sustainable support to safe houses, SOS helplines, and free legal aid aimed at systemic changes in legislation and policies in the area of domestic violence.
“Violence against women and girls is, unfortunately, one of the most common and serious human rights violations. A huge obstacle to equality between men and women, gender-based violence has devastating consequences,” said David Saunders, Representative of the UN Women in Bosnia.
“It persistently controls and minimizes women, girls and their human rights. Together, the UN Women, the European Union, the authorities and civil society organisations are working on common standards and adapting laws and policies to the Istanbul Convention to prevent violence and support survivors,” he underlined.
Four new contracts signed as a part of the second phase of the project will provide an opportunity to the ‘Vive žene’ Association, the Association of Roma Women ‘Better Future’, the ‘Lara’ Foundation and the Foundation for Local Democracy Sarajevo to continue working on raising the level of protection and prevention from domestic violence and violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, building up on previous EU financial assistance, the UN agency’s office in Sarajevo said on Monday.
“Fundamental services of protection from domestic violence and violence against women need to be available in an accessible and coordinated way, so every woman and girl will be equally safe and have guaranteed access to health care, social protection and justice,” said Ajsa Adrovic-Beslagic, human rights programme manager at EU Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Gianluca Vannini, Head of Section at the EU Delegation emphasised that the project will focus on innovative approaches to attitude and behaviour change, “working on several tracks with the goal to expand protection of victims and advocate for stronger implementation of measures for perpetrators.”
Activities as a part of these projects will take into consideration the current situation and circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and will try to respond in the best possible way to the needs of those suffering from domestic violence and other forms of gender-based violence, according to the UN Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina.