The Interior Minister of the Federation entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Aljosa Campara, said on Tuesday that it was untrue that isolated enclaves still existed in that country where radical Islam was being practised and rejected warnings of security risks in the region by Croatia's Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA).
“As the Federation's Minister of the Interior I stress that there are no such enclaves in Bosnia and Herzegovina where radical interpretations of Islam are being practised and which do not recognise the legal and democratic order of the state,” Campara said as quoted by the country's Patria news agency (NAP).
SOA, in its annual report released last week, noted that enclaves existed in neighbouring countries where radical interpretations of Islam were being practised that do not recognise the legal and democratic order of their host country, which represents a security risk.”
SOA analysts warned of additional risks of Jihadists returning from Syria and Iraq to their home countries and that many of them had in fact gone to the war zones from those enclaves. The conclusion is that these two notions can result in additional radicalisation and spreading radical interpretation of Islam in the region.
Campara said that Bosnia and Herzegovina had zero tolerance for terrorism and radicalism, adding that any problems in that regard in the country were being successfully resolved, including the status of fighters returning home from war zones abroad.
“We have convictions and SOA's report is not right. It is pretentious and untrue to claim that alleged enclaves represent a ‘serious security risk to all the countries in the neighbourhood.’ There are no such enclaves in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Campara said.