Vaccines for seasonal flu should be available in Bosnia’s Federation (FBiH) entity in November, the head of the epidemiology department of the FBiH Public Health Institute, Sanjin Musa, told N1.
“The Institute of Public Health and other cantonal institutes have conducted a tender procedure and we expect the delivery of vaccines from the supplier. We are maintaining regular contact and according to preliminary information, delivery is expected in November,” Musa said.
“The Public Health Institute will implement the programme of vaccinating health workers and each canton will then implement its distribution according to its plans,” he said.
Epidemiologists have called for mass immunization since they expect that the coronavirus could merge with the flu virus in the season ahead. About 40,000 vaccines should be procured for the territory of FBiH and the priority will be for those belonging to the vulnerable category, such as the elderly, to receive them.