The OSCE is well aware of numerous irregularities in Bosnia's election process and it is important that all competent institutions engage, communicate with each other and solve all these issues, head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia Kathleen Kavelec told N1 on Tuesday.
“There have been many problems this year, starting with the adoption of the budget. The pandemic caused major problems. We called on the relevant institutions to resolve them. The adoption of the budget has slowed down the process,” she stated.
Kavalec said that Bosnia's central institutions were supposed to provide money to buy protective equipment for polling stations, but that was left to municipal organizations.
“I think most municipalities will solve their problems, but they are struggling. Everything could have been avoided with better organization,” Kavalec said.
Kavalec also spoke about the meeting she held with Bosnia's Chief Prosecutor, the Deputy Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency and the President of the Central Election Commission (CIK).
“The goal was to help communication between institutions in order to prevent election fraud. We are encouraged by the views we heard. We are familiar with the two indictments in Brcko and Sanski Most from the last election cycle. This is a problem we have to deal with,” Kavalec said.
She is also aware of numerous reports of irregularities and identity theft.
“It's important that all competent institutions at all levels engage and communicate, in order to solve all these problems. We will help. We have received a promise from the authorities that they will jointly solve these problems,” she said.
“The authorities need to address what may happen in the coming period. The CIK has decided to publish the electoral roll for people who registered to vote from abroad so that citizens can check it to reduce the possibility of election fraud. There've been examples of fraud and theft, and if the authorities do not react in a proactive way – the problem will only get worse,” she added.
The Head of the OSCE Mission said that in her opinion, the electoral roll should be a public document.
“That's our opinion – a public document. If the court decides otherwise – then our opinion is that the rules must be amended. Voters must be able to make sure that their identity's not been abused,” Kavalec said.