Acting at the order by Bosnian special prosecutor for war crimes, the State Investigation and Protection Agency officers located and apprehended Dusan Culibrk, a war crime suspect charged with the assassination of dozens of civilians during the Bosnian 1992-95 war.
Culibrk is suspected as a former member of the auxiliary police unit in the northwestern town Bosanska Krupa in 1992 and charged alongside other persons with the murder of 44 Bosniak and Croat civilians, who were illegally kept at the Omarska camp and whose remains were discovered at the Lisac mass grave in 2000.
Culibrk a.k.a ‘Cule’ is also charged with the murder of seven Bosniak civilians who were heading from the northern town Prijedor to Bihac in Bosnia's northwest.
He is a subject of an investigation into a crime against humanity case.
The suspect will be delivered to the competent prosecutor for further procedures.