Over the past two years, BiH Federation entity's Energy, Industry and Mining Minister Nermin Dzindic was analysing the mining sector in order to find the right management model for the better functioning of the mines, Fena News Agency reported Sunday.
“We entered the restructuring phase and we expect to see whether the process was successful by mid-March 2021,” Dzindic said in the interview with Fena.
He recalled that a new mining operational model was set in place in September this year which was also supported by the unions – as visible from the collective agreement.
“According to the current model, each mine has one general and technical director and there is a ‘central’ supervisory board, meaning the Supervisory Board of Elektroprivreda BiH. We plan to have a central maintenance team for all the mines and a minimal emergency maintenance team at dig-sites,” Dzindjic explained.
He specified that the mines operating outside the Elektroprivreda BiH concern have more excavated tons per miner than those in the concern, which is linked to the fact that the concern has more management staff that binds a larger number of miners.
“I hope that the new management model will solve that problem as well and that we will have more excavated coal per miner,” Dzindic said.
He added that the Ministry plans to invest over €75 million over the next two years in the modernization and safety of mines.
The Minister concluded that miners deserve great respect congratulating them on the upcoming Miners’ Day.