Becirovic's warning from Switzerland: Pro-Russian forces threaten peace in BiH

NEWS 16.06.202417:04 0 komentara

BiH Presidency Chair Denis Becirovic called on the free world to help Ukraine even more strongly, but also to prevent the destabilization of the Western Balkans, addressing the Peace Summit in Ukraine held in Switzerland, warning that pro-Russian forces in Bosnia are threatening peace.

“Supporting Ukraine means supporting the protection of international law and the basic principles on which the civilized world is based. As a victim of brutal aggression from 1992 to 1995, the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina fully understands the suffering of the citizens of Ukraine. Unfortunately, Europe is once again facing the politics of territorial expansionism. The ultimate goal of the wars of aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine is the same – territorial expansion,” Becirovic said at the summit in the Swiss city of Burgenstock.

Becirovic said that the message from Bosnia would read: “Learn from Sarajevo – save Kyiv!”

“I believe that a just and lasting peace in Ukraine has no alternative. Russia's aggression against Ukraine in the previous 28 months has caused terrible consequences. After the beginning of the Russian aggression, Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the positions of the European Union (EU) and firmly expressed its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Becirovic added.

He noted that Bosnia regularly joins statements, initiatives and decisions condemning Russian aggression in international organizations.

“The free world, among other things, has two important tasks: First, to help the people of Ukraine to defend their country. The second is not to allow Russia to start a new war on the European continent and thus divert attention from the aggression against Ukraine. Let's not forget, these two tasks are related. Therefore, I must warn that pro-Russian forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina are threatening peace. The bodies of the Bosnian entity Republika Srpska, with the open support of Russia, threaten the Dayton Peace Agreement and threaten the stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. Therefore, I call on the free world to help Ukraine even more strongly, but also to prevent the destabilization of the Western Balkans,” said Becirovic and added:

“We in Bosnia and Herzegovina, know from personal experience that achieving peace is a complicated and difficult process. It requires a strong will, persistence, common sense and the engagement of a wider range of actors. In this sense, I support the basic intention and objectives of this summit. Europe and the world should strongly demonstrate that Ukraine is not alone in its struggle for freedom. Solidarity with Ukraine is more important today than ever. For Ukraine to win, solidarity must win over state egoism. Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue to show solidarity towards Ukraine. We want the war in Ukraine to stop, achieve a just peace and restore hope to millions of people to live in peace.”

During his stay in Switzerland, Becirovic held a series of meetings with European and world officials.

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