Bosnia Prosecutor's Office opened a case against convicted war criminal Dario Kordic upon receiving a complaint from lawyer Mirnes Ajanovic, which was given to the acting prosecutor.
“On Saturday, the BiH Prosecutor's Office received a submission/report from Ajanovic Mirnes via e-mail. Upon receipt, the report was sent to the further procedure, and through the CMS it was submitted to the acting prosecutor,” the Prosecutor's Office of BiH said Monday.
Earlier, N1 published a video of The Hague convict Dario Kordic in which he answers the question “Was it worth the prison and the war?”
On the recording, Kordic says that a friend from the north of Croatia, “our, integral [Croatia],” asked him if it was worth it.
“I said, I would do it all over again, I wouldn't change a second. Every second was worth it,” Kordic said on the video, while the people gathered around him sang the song “It was worth it” by Miroslav Skoro.
It is not known when or where the recording was made.
The International Court for War Crimes in The Hague sentenced Kordic, a wartime commander of the Croat Defence Council (HVO) and vice president of Herzeg-Bosnia, to 25 years in prison for war crimes committed against the Bosniak population in Lasvanska Dolina during the war in central Bosnia in 1993 and 1994. Among the crimes for which Kordic was convicted was the massacre in Ahmici, where the HVO members killed 116 Bosniak civilians on April 16, 1993, including 32 women and 11 children. Kordić was released in 2014, after serving two-thirds of his sentence.
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