The Vice President of Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (RS) entity, Ramiz Salkic, criticised the changes to the Election Law and Constitution of the Federation (FBiH) entity the High Representative, Christian Schmidt, imposed on election day, saying that they only benefit one of the ethnic groups in the country.
“Amendments to the Electoral Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the high representative introduced by his decision, and which satisfy the interests of only one people in one entity, represent selective and tendentious actions of the High Representative. The High Representative ignores the fact that Bosniaks in the entity of RS are without any essential possibility to influence the processes of passing laws and other decisions in the legislative and executive authorities of this entity. Which is why they are exposed to general systemic discrimination that decisively affects the position of Bosniaks in this entity, and strongly determines the present, future and biological survival of Bosniaks in this entity,” said Salkic.
He argued that the High Representative is in charge of ensuring the implementation of the civilian part of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and Annex VII provides for the return of those displaced during the war without any form of discrimination.
“I remind the High Representative that because of discrimination and the feeling that there are no real mechanisms to protect our rights, Bosniaks leave this entity every day. The current government carries out discrimination for the sake of the peacetime persecution of Bosniaks and the achievement of the war goal of an ethnically pure Serb Orthodox area,” he said.
“In order to restore trust in the institution of the High Representative and Mr. Schmidt himself, I call on him to act impartially towards all citizens in this country, treating all citizens and national groups equally. I call on the High Representative to take steps in accordance with his powers and provide identical mechanisms for Bosniaks and Croats in this entity in the decision-making process as he provided for Croats and Serbs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity,” he said.
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