Bosnian citizens in Gaza waiting for evacuation

NEWS 17.10.202316:03 0 komentara
REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

A total of 23 Bosnian nationals are located in the territory of Gaza, Bosnia's Foreign Ministry confirmed for N1, adding that they are all waiting for evacuation.

“I talked to a doctor who works right near the crossing Rafah. He has two daughters and he says he is afraid for them, for their mental health… there is a huge concentration of people and everyone is waiting for the approval to open the crossing,” Sabit Subasic, the BiH ambassador to Egypt, told N1, explaining what activities were undertaken in order for citizens to be evacuated from the Gaza Strip.

“We are trying to evacuate them. These are different categories of people, there are those who have BiH passports, those whose passports expired, as well as those who are close relatives of the holders of the BiH citizenship. We are in contact with most of them, monitoring the situation and trying to help,” the BiH Ambassador to Egypt explained.

The Ministry announced that a crisis staff was formed to coordinate the activities on the evacuation of BiH citizens.

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