Branimir Djuricic, a journalist from Bosnia’s Radio Television of Republika Srpska entity (RTRS), supported his colleague Marko Ivas from Tanjug, who denied the Srebrenica genocide during an interview with Zeljko Komsic, the Croat member of Bosnia’s tripartite Presidency. Pročitaj više
Djuricic who works on one of three public emitters in the country tweeted:
“Support for my colleague Marko Ivas. No one can take our freedom of expression away from us, least of all the protectorate of BiH. Ivas didn’t insult the victims, he stood up to the imposed law, Komsic’s blackmail and the logic of an NGO that cant differentiate the journalist from a cameraman. This is a duty of freedom-loving individuals,” Djuricic tweeted.
Подршка колеги Марку Ивасу!
Нико нам не може одузети слободу говора, понајмање протекторат БиХ.
Ивас није вријеђао жртве, а успротивити се наметнутом закону, Комшићевoм уцјењивању и логици НВО која не разликује водитеља од сниматеља дужност је слободољубивих особа @MarkoIvas— Бранимир Ђуричић (@BranimiRTRS) November 10, 2021
The RTRS journalist already received a criminal complaint from Camil Durakovic, the former Speaker of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly and genocide survivor, for denying the Srebrenica genocide.
Former High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Valentin Inzko imposed the changes to the Bosnian Criminal Code, which prohibit the denial of genocide and glorification of war criminals in late July 2021.
This sparked a crisis in the country in which politicians and ministers from the Serb-dominated Republika Srpska entity began boycotting the work of BiH institutions and ministries in response to what they claim is an attack on freedom of expression.
The also RS immediately passed a decree abolishing the implementation of the said law in that entity, contrary to the laws in the country.
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