Bosnia’s FBiH entity PM: No reason to fear food shortages

NEWS 26.02.202216:58 0 komentara

Fadil Novalic, the Prime Minister of Bosnia’s Federation (FBiH) entity said Saturday, on the occasion of large crowds in shopping malls purchasing significant amounts of food supplies, that there was no reason to fear food shortages and that the entity has ensured ample stocks.

He pointed out that he understands the concerns, especially pensioners, but that there is no reason for concern.

“We have gone through the ordeals of war and we know what the fear of shortages is. But I want to send a message to the citizens that now there is no need to be exposed to such large and extraordinary spending and purchases of groceries. Let’s also remember when two years ago we were hit by a crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Then too, out of fear, we rushed to the shops and bought enormous amounts of food. The same mistake should not be repeated. The Government of the Federation of BiH will hold a special session on Monday. We will look in detail at the possibilities and the development of the situation caused by the events in Ukraine. I am in contact with suppliers, we have food. Also, our commodity reserves are full of grain. We have enough of them for several months of flour and bread production. That is why there is no reason for concern,” said Novalic.

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