The Council of the European Union adopted comprehensive conclusions on enlargement, underscoring its strong support for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration into the European Union. These conclusions, which also apply to the six Western Balkan partners, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia, highlight both the progress made and the remaining challenges on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s path to the EU.
The decision to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina reaffirmed in March 2024, marks a pivotal step towards EU membership. This decision followed the European Commission’s earlier recommendation and represented significant recognition of the country’s reform efforts. However, the Council stressed the urgency for Bosnia and Herzegovina to meet key conditions to maintain momentum and secure the negotiating framework.
The Council welcomed the progress achieved so far, particularly the commitment of political leadership that led to the March decision. Nonetheless, it expressed concern over recent stagnation in reform efforts, urging all political actors to refocus and show determination in implementing EU-aligned changes.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is called upon to prioritize Appointing a chief negotiator and a national IPA coordinator under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) III; Ensuring the alignment of all adopted laws with EU standards and Venice Commission recommendations. The Council reiterated the importance of constitutional and electoral reforms, emphasizing the need to eliminate discrimination and inequality in the electoral process.
Specific attention was given to addressing the Sejdić-Finci case and related rulings by the European Court of Human Rights. These reforms, as noted, must be conducted through an inclusive process grounded in genuine dialogue.
The Council noted limited progress in judicial reforms, despite the adoption of amendments to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council. Further measures were called for, including the adoption of new laws on courts and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council. Full respect for Constitutional Court decisions was underscored as a fundamental requirement.
Concerns were expressed over insufficient efforts to strengthen fundamental rights, particularly regarding freedom of expression, media protection, and the safety of journalists. Bosnia and Herzegovina is urged to ensure respect for freedoms of assembly, association, and expression while refraining from actions that undermine these rights.
The Council strongly condemned divisive rhetoric and secessionist initiatives, especially in the Republika Srpska entity, which challenge Bosnia and Herzegovina’s constitutional order. The sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unity of the country are non-negotiable, with any actions undermining these principles produce serious consequences. Political leaders are urged to renounce provocative rhetoric and actions, uphold equality and non-discrimination, and actively promote reconciliation.
The Council highlighted the importance of advancing economic reforms to enhance Bosnia and Herzegovina’s competitiveness within the EU market. Structural changes aimed at fostering growth and economic resilience were described as essential.
In migration management, the Council acknowledged improvements but called for full alignment with the EU visa policy and the adoption of the Law on Border Control. Negotiations on the Frontex status agreement were welcomed, with calls for their swift conclusion and implementation.
Following the devastating floods and landslides in October 2024, the EU provided emergency support through the Civil Protection Mechanism and EUFOR Althea. The Council praised these efforts and reaffirmed its readiness to provide further assistance as needed. Additionally, the renewal of EUFOR Althea’s mandate was welcomed, recognizing its critical role in maintaining security and stability.
The Council praised Bosnia and Herzegovina’s full alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), particularly its commitment to implementing restrictive measures on Russia and Belarus. This alignment was described as a clear signal of the country’s dedication to its EU path.
The Council urged Bosnia and Herzegovina to: Swiftly ratify all regional mobility agreements under the Berlin Process; Submit its Reform Agenda without further delay, a prerequisite for potential payments under the Reform and Growth Facility; Take decisive actions to combat corruption and organized crime, including establishing a track record of investigations and convictions at all levels.
The Council’s conclusions reaffirm its unwavering commitment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European perspective as a single, sovereign country. Political leaders are called to show responsibility, prioritize national interests over divisive agendas, and cooperate to achieve EU membership.
The path to the EU remains challenging, but it is recognized as the most viable route to long-term stability, prosperity, and integration into the European family.
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