The Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor (ODP) opened a case against Banja Luka Basic Court judge Milan Tegeltija, who served as the president of Bosnia’s top judicial institution - the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), for his views expressed on social networks, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) reported Friday.
The ODP told the BIRN For that they have indeed opened the case due to Tegeltija’s statements over the recent days, but they could not provide additional information.
After resigning from the position of the President of the HJPC which is in charge of appointing and sanctioning judges and prosecutors in the country, Tegeltija continued to perform the function of a judge of the Basic Court in Banja Luka. He told the BIRN that he was not interested in the case.
“I have no comment, let them do their job. I’ve announced my resignation from the judicial position in mid-December, which will follow soon after I end my sick leave and use the annual leave. So it's a pointless and Sisyphus’ job as far as I'm concerned,” Tegeltija said.
After resigning from the position of the President of the HJPC, Tegeltija often commented on the political situation in the country, and some of these comments are the subject of disciplinary proceedings.
In a recent post on Twitter, Tegeltija wrote: “How could Inzko [Valentin], appointed by the UN Security Council, incorporate the Genocide Denial Act into the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as a fundamental document of the human rights of the modern world, he can’t explain that? There is no such legal acrobatics,” Tegeltija tweeted.
Kako bi Incko , koga imenuje SB UN , uklopio taj Zakon o negiranju genocida u Univerzalnu deklaraciju o ljudskim pravima UN iz 1948 , kao temeljni dokument ljudskih prava savremenog svijeta, nikako da objasni. Nema te pravne akrobatike. https://t.co/2dXU1h8N27 pic.twitter.com/q8585WutZ1
— Milan Tegeltija (@Milan_Tegeltija) February 11, 2021
He also commented on some other decisions of the High Representative Valentin Inzko.
Recently he wrote about the ethnic background of leading figures in Bosnia’s judiciary.
“The HJPC President Bosniak-FBiH, Director of the Secretariat of the HJPC Bosniak-FBiH, Deputy Director of the Secretariat of the HJPC Bosniak-FBiH, Chief Disciplinary Prosecutor of the VSTS Bosniak-FBiH, Deputy Chief Disciplinary Prosecutor of the HJPC Bosniak-FBiH. The President of the Court of BiH Other-FBiH, Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH Croat-FBiH, Minister of Justice of BiH Croat-FBiH. No more positions! Something unclear?,” Tegeltija wrote in another post.
Predsjednik VSTS bošnjak-FBIH.Dir. Sekreterijata VSTS bosnjak-FBIH, zam.dir.Bosnjak-FBIH, GL disc. tuzilac VSTS bosnjak-FBIH,zamj. gl. Disc.tuzioca Bosnjak-FBIH. Predsjednik suda BIH ostali-FBIH ,glavni tuzilac hrvat-FBIH, min.pravde hrvat-FBIH. Nema više funkcija! Nešto nejasno?
— Milan Tegeltija (@Milan_Tegeltija) February 10, 2021
Even after the announcement of the disciplinary procedure, Tegeltija announced that his tweets so far were “just a warm-up”.
“This morning, a journalist informed me that the HJPC ODP formed a disciplinary case against me because of my posts on Twitter! That’s really scared me. I don't know if they will manage to investigate and sue me because of my resignation, which I plan to do. But it would be good for them to formally confirm my tweets,” Tegeltija tweeted Friday.
Btw, sto se tvitera tice, tek se zagrijavam ! https://t.co/Wxee6zn4bk
— Milan Tegeltija (@Milan_Tegeltija) February 12, 2021
Tegeltija made the decision to resign from the position of the President of the HJPC in December last year after the Council called on him to consider resigning from the position following the publication of an audio recording of the conversation between him and former HJPC member Milijana Buha on the appointment of her sister to a judicial office.
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