EU Delegation on All-Serb Assembly: Any moves directed against EU principles lead to serious consequences

NEWS 11.06.202415:35 0 komentara

A few days ago, the "All-Serb Assembly" was held in Belgrade, attended by the governments of the Republic of Serbia and the Republika Srpska (RS) entity. The Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Protection of the National and Political Rights of the Serb People. On this occasion, the EU Delegation to BiH commented on that event for N1.

“Any violation of sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order and international subjectivity of Bosnia and Herzegovina is unacceptable. Any moves directed against these principles lead to serious consequences. We expect the political leaders of countries aspiring to join the European Union to foster good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation, as the principles and values ​​that the European Union stands for,” they stated in their response to N1.

The All-Serb Assembly decided that Sretenje, February 15, the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia, should also be the Statehood Day of the RS, instead of January 9, which was declared unconstitutional by the BiH Constitutional Court. The declaration will be offered for adoption to the RS National Assembly and the National Assembly of Serbia in order to ensure its full implementation.

The declaration consists of 49 conclusions.

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