A group of members of the House of Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina initiated a motion to dismiss the Security Minister, Nenad Nesic, who is currently in custody on suspicion of abuse of office, money laundering, and corruption during his tenure as the head of JP Putevi Republike Srpske from 2016 to 2020.
The initiative for Nesic's dismissal was confirmed by Branislav Borenovic, the leader of PDP and a member of the House of Representatives, who emphasized the need for clear information from the SIPA (State Investigation and Protection Agency) regarding how the minister passed security checks in 2023, despite Chief Prosecutor Milanko Kajganic’s claims that investigations into Nesic had been ongoing since 2019.
“Today, we discussed requesting information from SIPA following the recent arrest of the Minister of Security, which is a major shock for any country, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. It's incredible that the Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers has done absolutely nothing about this matter”, Borenovic stated.
“It is crucial to get answers on how someone in the security structures could approve the appointment of a person under investigation to such a high position”, he added.
Borenovic also noted that some representatives independently initiated the motion to dismiss the minister.
“We will fully support this initiative, but it’s essential to receive information from SIPA on how it was possible for the minister to receive approval for such a significant role in 2023”, Borenovic concluded.
Nesic was arrested end of 2024 along with several other individuals and is currently held in the state prison in Vojkovici.
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