Josip Broz's granddaughter: Tito is a historical figure all over the world except in Serbia

NEWS 04.04.202418:15 0 komentara
N1 BiH

If Belgrade does not want him, Sarajevo does. This was the latest conclusion of the ongoing discussion regarding the relocation of the mortal remains of Josip Broz Tito from Belgrade to Kumrovec, Croatia – the birthplace of the lifelong President of the former Yugoslavia. The proposal came from Aleksandas Sapic, the head of the Temporary body of the City of Belgrade to which Tito’s granddaughter Svetlana Broz said that the basic civilisational norms prohibit the discussion of the relocation of his remains.

“Belgrade was the capital of Yugoslavia since the end of World War II. Since then, Belgrade has been the capital of Yugoslavia, until they killed Yugoslavia, so maybe some people from Belgrade killed it too. Tito lived in Belgrade from the age of 45 until his death and he was then buried in that city. The basic civilizational norms do not allow the conversation of his relocation at all”, she said.

Sapic said earlier, he would build a Museum of Serbian History in the House of Flowers, Tito’s mausoleum.

I think he [Sapic] is a man who doesn’t deserve the time you give him in the media. He doesn’t exist for me as a person. It’s ridiculous what he’s saying, as was everything he said regarding 1000 other topics before that. The man showed how much he didn't know. I have nothing to talk about with a man who doesn't know so much,” she noted.

Then she added:

“If they don't know how important Tito was for Serbia, I really don't want to teach anyone about anything. Tito is a historical figure all over the world, except in Serbia. That is Serbia's problem, not the rest of the world’s. I don't want to teach anyone how much Serbia owes to him. I will say only one thing if there was no Tito in the Second World War as the leader of the partisans, Serbia would have remained on the losing side. It would have remained in the dustbin of history. Serbia didn’t end up that way thanks to Tito and the partisans.”

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