Mehmedovic: Dodik must be removed from Bosnia’s political scene

NEWS 30.06.202415:22 0 komentara

The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, must be removed from the political scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated Semsudin Mehmedovic, a member of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and leader of the Forward! party, when asked to comment on Dodik's initiative for "peaceful separation."

In an interview with the Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik, Dodik stated that the document on the so-called “peaceful separation” of Bosnia and Herzegovina is complete. He claimed that the document was created due to the “impossibility of Bosnia and Herzegovina functioning normally.”

Mehmedovic believes that Dodik has long been undermining the Dayton Peace Agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and his pamphlet on peaceful separation is just “one of the grenades he throws at the peace agreement that, among other things, established the entity he leads.”

“In a way, Dodik is cutting the branch he is sitting on, as the US Embassy regularly warns him. Despite the nullity of such acts, Dodik's actions are destructive to the progress and future of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” says Mehmedovic.

According to him, Dodik cannot destroy Bosnia and Herzegovina; even Milosevic, along with a whole band of criminals, armies, and intelligence structures, could not do that. However, Dodik's policies block progress, slow the country's growth, discourage young people from staying and building their future here, create political instability, and drive away investors.

“Dodik does not care because his goal is the destruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina one way or another. Therefore, I believe that Dodik must, I repeat, must be urgently removed from the political scene by the decision of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina or through the professional work of the BiH judiciary, for which there are enough arguments. Dodik's policies in recent years, along with several similar acts like this latest one on separation, directly violate the Peace Agreement, and thus the peace and stability of the state,” said Mehmedovic.

He emphasizes that Dodik has shown there is no bluffing, that it is not about a political game to retain power, but a clear goal of destroying the Dayton Peace Agreement, whose guarantors are world powers, with the intent to continue and achieve the goal of genocide by creating an ethnically pure Serbian state on Bosnian territory, even at the cost of peace.

“Therefore, Dodik must be dismissed, prosecuted for crime and corruption, and thus provide Bosnia and Herzegovina with the opportunity for a prosperous and European future,” concluded Mehmedovic.

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