Member of FBiH Civil Protection attacks photojournalist who asked why rescue dogs were not immediately engaged

NEWS 06.10.202416:46 0 komentara
N1 BiH

Sabahudin Spahovic, a member of the Civil Protection Administration of BiH’s Federation (FBiH) entity, physically attacked Davorin Sekulic, a photojournalist and member of the Mountain Rescue Service (GSS), who works with search dogs in the K9 unit. The altercation occurred after the latter questioned why rescue dogs were not immediately deployed as part of flood rescue operations.

Spahovic previously told N1 that “no one in Bosnia and Herzegovina has a search dog that is trained and certified to search for dead bodies.”
“Why weren't search dogs engaged on the first day?”, Sekulic asked Spahovic.

“All the help that came with the dogs came through the EU civil protection mechanism. It is not a simple procedure. We could have called someone privately, but we want a system to be established and that everything goes through the system,” said Spahovic, adding that “dogs are welcome”, but that “it was not that necessary in the first moments for them to be on the scene”.

“If we had them in BiH, we would have engaged them”, he stressed.

This prompted Sekulic to state that Bosnia and Herzegovina has a number of search dogs in the GSS Sarajevo.

“We have dogs licensed for searching in ruins, we don't have dogs licensed for searching for the dead. No one was alive in the houses! Let's not argue now”, he said.

Sekulic then asked if this implies that the Bosnian dogs that helped save lives in Turkey are not good enough for the job.

This angered Spahovic, who started approaching the photojournalist aggressively.

“You want to argue with me here? Get out of here!” he said as he attacked Sekulic.

Sekulic later told N1 why he raised the issue with Spahovic.

“He lied earlier that there are no search dogs in BiH and I wanted to ask him why the dogs were not immediately brought to the field and engaged because BiH has those dogs,” he said.

“They are playing with people's lives. How could he declare all the people dead at once? It's not humane or professional!”, he added.

Mario Demirović, vođa K-9 tima GSS Sarajevo, odbacio je navode Sabahudina Spahovića, iz Federalne uprave civilne zaštite, kako “niko u Bosni i Hercegovini nema potražnog psa koji je istreniran, obučen i certificiran za traganje za mrtvim tijelima”.

Mario Demirović, the head of the K-9 team of GSS Sarajevo, also denied Spahovic's statement that there are no dogs trained for the job in BiH.

However, he wonders why authorities were searching for the dead immediately, arguing that the priority should be to find survivors.

“We don't need to mention dogs trained for water dogs at all, that's another issue. There was enough ground for the first few hours to search. We have drone footage, dogs trained for water were not necessary at all. They needed dogs that search for survivors, first, they should search for the living”, he said.

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