Milorad Dodik accuses Intelligence Agency of plotting assassinations against him and Aleksandar Vucic

NEWS 21.09.202414:38 0 komentara

The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, attended the consecration of the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God in Banja Luka today. After speaking about the event, he responded to questions and talked about an alleged "assassination plot against him and President Aleksandar Vucic." He initially blamed "media from the Federation" and then accused former director of the Intelligence and Security Agency (OSA), Osman Mehmedagic, and OSA itself of preparing these "executions."

Dodik also claimed that this was “one of the reasons why Mehmedagic is in prison,” which, according to court documents, is not true. Mehmedagic is free under restriction measures and is accused, along with the suspended President of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ranko Debevec, of abusing their positions in 2020 and illegally wiretapping court and prosecution employees to gather details on investigations into organized crime and corruption. They were arrested on December 18 last year and remained in custody until March of this year when restrictions were imposed.

“There was a fully developed scheme where they first set up a surveillance network in Serbia to monitor President Vucic and his activities. They were conducting media preparations for all of this from the Federation, targeting Vucic and me. There is now organizational evidence that groups were being prepared for executions and other actions. He (Mehmedagic) was stopped. We knew about it before he even acted. If anyone has a functioning intelligence service in the region, it's Serbia. They think they can pull something off in Serbia,” Dodik stated.

He also mentioned that during the time when “Mladen Ivanic was a member of the Presidency, he brought a document to Vucic that indicated OSA was forming surveillance groups in Serbia, which was allegedly denied.”

“It was prevented right from the start. They couldn't move beyond those plans,” Dodik said, along with a barrage of insults.

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