Over 300 BiH police officers search Blazuj migrant centre

NEWS 23.10.202312:19 0 komentara

All police agencies from the state level, as well as police officers from Sarajevo Canton’s Interior Ministry, conducted a search in Blazuj, looking for people illegally staying in the migrant camp, as well as for illegal weapons and drugs, with the goal of identifying individuals involved in migrant smuggling.

“Police officers of the State Agency for Investigation and Protection (SIPA) began a joint operational and tactical operation called ‘Raid’ in the wider area of the Blazuj reception centre, in cooperation with police officers of the Border Police, the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies, the Sarajevo Canton Interior Ministry (MUP KS), the Service for Affairs with Foreigners and the Intelligence and Security Agency of BiH, under the supervision of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH and Sarajevo Canton,” SIPA spokesperson Jelena Miovcic said, adding that over 300 police officers were involved.

Movement inside the reception centre was temporarily restricted with the aim of finding people who are residing there illegally but in an attempt to find illegal weapons, narcotics or other objects originating from crime or which can be used to endanger the safety of beneficiaries or employees of the Blazuj reception centre.

Bosnia’s Security Minister Nenad Nesic said that to his knowledge, two persons have been apprehended for drug trafficking, while 20 individuals will be taken to the Immigration Center and after the procedures have been carried out, they will be expelled from the country.

N1 BiH

This was the most comprehensive police operation that has taken place in one of the migrant centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the beginning of the migrant crisis.

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