Over 5,000 Peace March participants expected, before Srebrenica genocide commemoration

NEWS 04.07.202416:57 0 komentara

Before the collective funeral and burial of the remains of 14 Srebrenica genocide victims, the Nezuk-Potocari Peace March will take place.

Adem Mehmedovic from the Peace March Organizing Committee told N1 that all the preparations for the Peace March have been completed and that this year marks the 20th anniversary since the first Peace March.

“We have 4,000 applications, some from groups, some from individuals. Applications are still incoming and anyone who wants to can register at marsmira.net. All those who do not register but want to participate can simply come to Nezuk on July 8th and they will be registered there and receive credentials. Ultimately, we expect over five thousand participants,” Mehmedovic said.

Many representatives of the international community, the diplomatic corps, as well as domestic political actors and officials, will attend the collective funeral.

“We will have government representatives from all levels, ministries, municipalities, and so on,” said Mehmedovic.

As in the previous years, genocide deniers are not welcome at the commemoration, funeral and burial of the victims, Mehmedovic recalled and added that preparations are already underway for the next, 30th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica.

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