Scandalous: Serbian Army marched through Prijedor (VIDEO)

NEWS 07.07.202411:39 0 komentara

The commemoration of the 82nd anniversary of the Battle of Kozara is scheduled for Sunday, which will be held under the auspices of the Republika Srpska (RS) entity Government.

As announced, a memorial service will be held for those killed, and flowers and wreaths will be laid on the Central Monument.

But the shameful act happened on the eve of the commemoration. Namely, as reported by RTRS, members of the Serbian Army had a ceremonial parade through Prijedor!

RTRS wrote that numerous citizens greeted the members of the Serbian Armed Forces with applause and great approval in the city where one of the biggest crimes against Bosniaks was committed.

The 82nd anniversary of the Battle of Kozara will be marked on Mrakovica, a symbol of suffering and resistance in the fight against the Nazis and Ustashas in the Second World War.

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