State property bill passed despite Cvijanovic's opposition

NEWS 21.10.202419:01 0 komentara
Predsjedništvo BiH

At a session of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a draft law on state property of BiH was approved and will be submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH for further procedure.

This marks the first time that the Presidency has adopted a law regulating this area. The draft bill was included on today's agenda at the request of Chairman Denis Becirovic and Presidency member Zeljko Komsic.

According to the explanation provided in the proposed law, as the legal successor of the Republic of BiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina is the owner of state property, which means it holds the ownership rights over all such property. However, BiH institutions, as well as the entities and all other levels of government in BiH, may use or own property necessary for the exercise of their individual competencies, to the extent authorized by law passed by the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Zeljka Cvijanovic, a member of the Presidency, criticized the draft, calling it mere political maneuvering. She stated that the Presidency cannot be the authorized proposer of a state property law since, under the Constitution, it can only propose laws related to its own competencies.

“This draft law will end up the same way as the gas bill that the same two Presidency members adopted by outvoting a year ago, which the Collegium of the House of Representatives rejected, explaining that the Presidency is not an authorized proposer for such a matter, so the Parliamentary Assembly did not even consider the proposal. Here, the two Presidency members pretend to be protectors of the so-called state, but they are aware that their mission is doomed to fail from the start,” said Cvijanovic.

At today's session, Cvijanovic was outvoted as Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic voted in favor of the state property bill.

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