Tank placed in Sarajevo park in honour of ‘Bosna’ special forces unit


A tank was placed in the park near the Second Gymnasium High School in Sarajevo on Monday morning, as part of the memorial to the Bosnian special forces of the "Bosna" detachment, the construction of which is still ongoing.

The monument is a “destroyed enemy tank” next to which five special forces life-sized figures will be placed with military equipment signifying their tank capture.

The monument’s construction agreement was signed in December last year between the Ministry of Veteran Affairs of Sarajevo Canton, the City of Sarajevo and the Association of Veterans of the “Bosna” Police Detachment of Sarajevo Canton.


The monument is being built in honour of the members of the “Bosnia” special police unit who died during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina that lasted from 1992 to 1995. The initiative to place a tank in the park, which members of the special police unit captured in 1992 from the forces of the then Yugoslav People's Army in the Sarajevo neighbourhood of Stup, was launched in 2016.


Non-governmental organizations requested that the monument's appearance be changed, as well as its location, considering it inappropriate for children to look at a tank through a school window or during a break between classes.

Vlada KS

The veterans of this detachment insisted on the location in the park named after the great Bosnian Sevdalinka singer Safet Isovic, and the conceptual solution made by artist Nebojsa Seric Soba, an artist from Sarajevo who now lives in New York, and who was a member of the Republic of BiH Army during the war.

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