The Democratic Action Party’s (SDA) Leader Bakir Izetbegovic said during the party Convention in Sarajevo that the party’s election plan refers to an eight-year period, instead of four years.
“That’s how much time we need to make Bosnia and Herzegovina a member of the EU and NATO, and to make it into a country of satisfied people,” he said.
He added that their aim is to increase the average salary from the current BAM 850 (around EUR 420) to an average of BAM 1,400 (EUR 700). It is also realistic to increase the current number of employees in the country from 791,000 to nearly one million employees. Then the unemployment rate would fall down to 15 percent, he concluded.
Izetbegovic pointed out that the number of employees in the administration must be reduced to 35,000, which is one percent of the total population of the country.
He spoke of the constitutional reforms which should organize the country into regions.
“Until we are able to reach an agreement on this matter, we must implement the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Court in Strasbourg. There must not be any ethnic regions in the country,” Izetbegovic added.
Izetbegovic also stressed that whenever the SDA was not part of the government, grave mistakes have been made which have not been unmade even today.
Following Izetbegovic’s address, one of the SDA’s founders Osman Brka talked to the media representatives covering the Convention, saying that some things in the party must be fixed because big turbulence took place within the party.
When asked by N1’s Tina Jelin-Dizdar whether he was satisfied with the candidates offered by the party to run for Bosnian Presidency, he said some members should not have been proposed.
“Proposing Mrs Izetbegovic to run for candidacy damaged the party, greatly, especially Mr Izetbegovic and his position,” Brka added.