Retired US general joins Bosnia's leading pharmaceutical firm as advisor

Retired US Army major general David Grange, now a business consultant for pharmaceutical companies, has joined the management of Bosnian 'Bosnialijek' as an advisor for business development and international expansion, the company confirmed on Thursday.

‘Bosnalijek’ CEO Nedim Uzunovic said he chose the retired general because of his experience in work with international pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as his network of contacts and business capabilities, expecting this would help the company's further development and expansion to new markets.

“I am grateful to the general for accepting the invitation to join us, which made the idea I have had for some time to come true, to strengthen our team with the world-class ranking that the general Grange is and who will help the company on the path of further development and the conquering of new markets,” said Uzunovic.


 At the moment, ‘Bosnalijek’ is successfully operating on three continents and is recognised as a leader in the region's pharmaceutical industry.

“As a leading pharmaceutical company from Bosnia and Herzegovina, ‘Bosnalijek’ is spreading to new markets. We are particularly focused on and interested in the opportunities that open on the American market, where we would offer big American pharmaceutical companies the service of out-licensing and contractual production,” said Uzunuovic, adding that further expansion on the markets in the Middle East and Africa is also being planned.

The newly appointed expert said he was impressed by the company's excellence and its quality of work as well as its business plans for the international expansion.

“I will use my previous experience, knowledge and network of contacts to help ‘Bosnalijek’ firm to further develop its business and to spread to new markets,” he said.