Sports should be managed by the state and should not be under the competencies of the two semi-autonomous entities in the country, the Prime Minister of the Federation (FBiH) entity told Azra Dedic, who recently became the European ID-Judo Champion, after she asked whether there is a way for the government to help her fund taking part in future competitions.
Dedic, the 25-year-old Judo Master with Down syndrome now known in the country as the ‘Golden Girl’, won the under 70 kg ID-Judo Championship in Cologne, Germany, on Saturday.
FBiH Prime Minister Fadil Novalic met with Dedic, her mother Remzija and her trainer Husein Ramic on Thursday. Novalic awarded Dedic with money from the reserve of the FBiH budget.
They discussed issues in the sports sector as well.
“I don’t want my parents to have to save money for my competitions. Prime Minister, can this be changed?” Dedic asked.
Novalic explained that FBiH does not have competencies over that issue, but that those who achieve the highest results in sports are awarded according to FBiH Government provisions.
“I know what you are talking about, about systematic support for sports, the state is not working on that, but if we lower this to the FBiH level then we are taking competencies away from the state, and we don’t want to do that,” Novalic responded, adding that “we will work on that.”